How Lurcan Dropped 13.5 lbs in 6 Weeks – StrongLife

How Lurcan Dropped 13.5 lbs in 6 Weeks


Lurcan has recently dropped 13.5 lbs in just 6 weeks here in StrongLife Gym.

Not only that, but he won himself €200 by doing so!

But how did he do it?

Taking On The Biggest Loser Challenge

Over Christmas, Lurcan was looking for the extra bit of motivation to make a great start to 2019.

So he kept an eye on what challenges I had coming up.

And once he seen the Biggest Loser Challenge, he signed up right away.

He was actually the first one to sign up too!

For Lurcan, the goal was two-fold.

He wanted a short term goal to focus on and motivate him.

But he also has his wedding coming up in April.

And like any man, you want the suit to fit that little bit better on the day.

When you look back at those wedding photo’s in years to come, you want to look back with happiness, not focusing on your body shape.

So with that, Lurcan was ready to roll once January 7th came.

Dropping 13.5 Lbs In 6 Weeks

From day one, he put the head down and got on with the task in hand.

He knew what he needed to do, clean up his diet, train every week and be consistent over weekends.

The challenge for Lurcan is that he works in stints abroad.

So even while he was in Mongolia, he kept doing the work that was required.

And 6 weeks later, he has reaped the rewards.

It’s a tremendous result considering that his own stag party was on in the middle of the challenge too which makes it a great achievement.

He simply kept doing the work throughout.

And now he collected the €200 winning prize just in time for his wedding day in 2 weeks time.

I imagine Sharon may have a say in what the money goes towards.

I’m sure there’s shoes or something it could be spent wisely on!

Well done Lurcan!

It’s been great seeing your progress.


Colm Duignan