Private Fitness Gym in Boyle Helping Locals Build Strength, Fitness, and Confidence

You’re training multiple times per week, eating as good as you can but you just can’t make any progress. You’ve followed all the advice and diets from magazines and online but nothing seems to work. You’re convinced that it’s just not for you.

So you may be new to the gym or looking to join one. And that means you’re probably afraid of not knowing what you’re doing. But don’t worry, we will give you a full introduction so you’ll be a master in the weights area in no time.

Fed up doing the same thing over and over again while getting nowhere? Do you feel like it’s time to be guided through a program proven to deliver results?

- Our packages are developed to remove all the guess work from your training and nutrition.
- Having wasted YEARS trying fad diets and magic programs, I’ve developed training systems to help you make progress EVERY WEEK.
- You don’t have to BAN foods or put your life on hold.
- You don’t have to spend hours in the gym to see results.
- We will remove all the confusion so all you have to do is turn up and follow our system.
- Most of all, you will enjoy the varied workouts tailored to your needs.
- We want to offer you the chance to a 1 Week Trial for only €20 to experience The Stronglife solution without any major commitment.
I had gym phobia prior to dragging myself off the couch to Stronglife. From the minute I walked into Stronglife Colm made me feel 100% comfortable. I always found gyms intimidating, daunting and never knew what I should be doing and eventually would leave. I was encouraged at all times and pushed but within my own limits. Baby steps for some but gigantic strides for me.
Within a short time frame of only 6 weeks I was converted and dropped over 4 inches without doing a crazy diet or cardio*
I honestly could not recommend Colm enough purely for his commitment to his clients, his motivation and dedication to helping you achieve your goals
I’m based in Canada and have trained with 2 different trainers in the past year and half and I have to say I’ve learned more in only 5 sessions over Christmas than in the past year and a half. His knowledge, dedication and passion for what he does is forever present and evident and is what makes me work harder every session.
I wish I could have Stronglife in Canada as I know I would see major results
I’ve been in Stronglife for just over a year now and I am shocked at the progress I have been able to make since joining there. Before going to Stronglife I didn’t know what I was doing in different gyms and never made much progress.
When I joined Stronglife, straight away it felt very laid back and was a comfortable place to train. Colm’s help has made a massive boost on my strength gains and I have finally been able to gain some size too which has been a battle over the years.
Training in Stronglife has made a massive difference to my confidence and overall health and shape. I always struggled with eating the right amount of food and knowing what to eat. Over the last year I’ve learned a lot more about nutrition and eating right to match my goals which has massively helped in adding size, strength and some more weight.
I had no idea how to deadlift or squat before joining and was very weak. When I started I was barely able to squat 40kg and bench 50kg now I am able to squat 135kg 1RM and 95kg 1RM bench. The first day I came to stronglife my deadlift 1RM was 120kg and now I managed to get a 200kg deadlift which is a massive shock/improvement which I would never had imagined myself being able to do*
I wouldn’t have been able to achieve this if it wasn’t for Colm. He has been a huge help and always keeps me motivated and on the right track. Colm is very easy to get along with and I always have a laugh in there and never feel pressure to do anything. Being in Stronglife is different to any other gym I have been in and you are surrounded by a great bunch of people.
I had been training for around 6 months before I joined Stronglife. I had never followed a program, just things I had read on the internet.Trying to find and follow a program was tough and I was never sure if my technique was correct. I found gyms very intimidating and was generally reluctant to try new exercises in case I made a fool out of myself.
It’s difficult when your starting off when you see all these huge fellas lifting huge weight and you would think you will never get anywhere close to where they are. It can be very discouraging and I often made excuses not to go.
When I heard Stronglife had opened I decided to go in and have a look. Within a few minutes of working with Colm we had identified that I was not benching correctly. He talked me through ways to improve my form and it made a huge difference. I joined up and got him to do me up a program. It was clear and easy to follow and offered the structure my training had been missing. Colm was very professional to deal with but was well up for a laugh as well. I always found him to be very approachable with any questions and he really wants to see everyone do well.
There is a really good atmosphere up there, much friendlier than other gyms I have went to.In the 9 months I have been going there I have seen a huge difference in my training, I have seen huge increases in all my lifting and with adding in foam rolling and proper stretching into my programs I have had no injuries. My body fat percentage has dropped dramatically and I have been getting lots compliments about how much my appearance has changed which is always great to here*
It is hard to find a suitable environment and program, gyms and programs tend to follow whatever is in fashion that year whether it be spinning or TRX. My head was melted reading up on all new workouts and new methods so it was great to get back to basics, squat, deadlift and benching. No quick fixes just putting the work in consistently, I have not had to live like a saint either. I have enjoyed my food and social life and still seen great results.
In the past 9 months I have really enjoyed my training. The key to that was finding a gym I enjoyed going to and getting coaching off someone who knows what he is talking about.
I have to say I was a big out of shape girl until I went to your gym. With your help and motivation, I reached what made me a happier person with myself. I dropped 2 and a half stone and 3 dress sizes. I tried a lot of gyms and diets before I joined Stronglife and I never seemed to get anywhere. Thank you Colm for putting me on the right track*
* Results may vary from person to person
* Results may vary from person to person
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