When it comes to the warm-up, many may think it’s simply a case of a few minutes on the treadmill and away you go. But, when it comes to lifting weights, the warm-up has an important part that you should focus on. So, I want to briefly run through it to give you some ideas […]
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Creatine, that white powder you see people scooping into shakes that looks like cocaine. It gets bandied about as the numero uno when it comes to getting stronger and building muscle. And if you’ve been hanging about a gym at all, you’ve probably heard it been mentioned. Or maybe a trainer has attempted to sell […]
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Over the last 6 months, I’ve been working with Jake McCrann to help him overcome some football injuries. He was getting to the stage of his footballing career that he was starting to get frustrated with niggles and strains. And he didn’t want to start the new season worried about when the next hamstring issue […]
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Today’s StrongLife Success Story is about how Karen uses StrongLife Gym to overcome back pain and tone up. At the start of the year, Karen messaged me with a view to joining here. She had been exercising but felt her back issues always limited her. And she wanted to tone up. With the challenge of […]
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At the start of the summer, Aisling got in touch to enquire about getting stronger and fitter for her GAA. Hailing from the mighty village that is Ballinameen means that football is in their blood up there. Well, football and pints! Aisling absolutely loves football, but she felt she was lacking in strength and power. […]
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Today’s story is all about how Muiris went through pre and post ACL surgery training here in Stronglife Gym and how he is now back on the pitch playing matches less than 9 months after surgery. Not only that, but he has regained all his strength gains from over a year ago while banishing the […]
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